5 fears when starting a business

5 fears of starting a business

Many people think about starting a business but few people do it.  For some, they realize that they don’t have the time, funds or the passion required which are all legitimate reasons to not move forward.  But for many others, fear is the main reason they don’t take the leap.  Below is a list of common fears about starting a business

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5 habits startup business owners need to develop

5 habits startup business owners need


We all have habits. Coffee to wake up, brushing our teeth and that thing we do on our commute are all activities most of us do with little effort or thought.  These habits help us move through our day more effectively and because they are, by definition, automatic, this frees up decision making energy to dedicate towards choices that require real scrutiny (this New York Times article reports on the decision making fatigue we all experience in a day, sometimes to terrible detriment).

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Being good at being bad

business coach advice

Babies are great at being bad. When learning to speak, they babble incoherently, laughing along the way. When it’s time to walk, they tumble to the ground repeatedly and try again, completely unfazed by the failure. And within weeks of these first botched attempts, they are walking and have begun to speak. Continue reading…

What’s a win?

what's a win?


You may have a goal that, when reached, will indicate victory. I will get that promotion or I will buy a house and once I get that raise or sign that mortgage, I will call it a win. Anyone who has achieved these goals can tell you that there was usually sacrifice to get there, and it does not conclude with a gold medal and ride into the sunset. Continue reading…

Pain vs. pleasure points

pain vs. pleasure

Are you addressing someone’s pain or providing pleasure? If you are a lawyer, you are addressing problems (and with problems comes pain). If you own a spa, you are proving pleasure. If you are addressing pain, empathize. Get in touch with what that pain is about and show you understand by describing it. This will let your customer know you get them, and if you get them, you may be able to help them.  If you are in the business of increasing pleasure, fantasize.  Describe the pleasure they can expect to experience in as vivid a way as possible, letting them get a taste of what’s in store.  
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“Just do it”….is not helpful

wagging finger

“Just do it”, along with “just say no” were two sayings birthed in the 1980’s, a time when the notion of self-determination became gospel.  They are great sayings in their obviousness and equally ineffective.  If a person could “just do it” wouldn’t they have done it already?  Continue reading…

By time, not task

for blog

Ever tried to seriously clean your house/apartment?  Not just tidying up but getting rid of bags of stuff and scrubbing the entire space so it feels hotel clean?  No? Bet you wanted to.  Bet you even tried.  You probably managed to throw out some things and clean up some counters but that’s as far as you got. Continue reading…


criticsHow many naysayers do you have in your life?  People who constantly criticize and communicate that you are falling short?  You can find them in your family, at work, and even in your social life.  Most of us have at least one at any given time and sometimes lots more.  Sometimes you can cut these people out of your life, but there are other times, you are stuck with them.   Continue reading…